52 Ideas for Dating Your Spouse

Having set my goals for 2019, I am trying to map out ways to actually achieve those goals.  One goal was to go on more dates with my husband.

I set our date bar pretty low with the expectation of going on 12 dates this year.  However, while brainstorming date ideas I wanted to come up with lots and lots of ideas so we're not always running out to dinner or to catch a movie like we usually do.  Lately we haven't wanted to see any movies and I'm trying to eat healthier so dining out isn't always that appealing to me.

In order for an idea to make my list it had to be something I could actually see us doing together.  I also wanted a nice variety of ideas-- some indoor, some outdoor, some low key and inexpensive, some fancy and a bit expensive, some active, and some relaxing.. you get the idea.

Here's what I've come up with so far:

1. Carpet picnic in front of the fireplace.

2.  Dinner and a movie-- it's a classic for a reason!

3.  Go apple picking together (or strawberry, peach, blueberry, etc).

4.  Tour a local museum together.

5.  Take in a live show of some sort-- check local colleges, schools, and productions too.

6.  Go sledding.

7.  Kayak around a lake or down a river side by side.

8.  Host a game night for 2 complete with favorite snacks.

9.  Hold hands and walk on the beach at sunset (or sunrise) and look for shells/ stones.

10.  Visit a new state park and go for a hike.

11.  Build a Snowman together.

12.  Browse through a local bookstore and treat yourselves to dessert at a local cafĂ©.

13.  Go snowshoeing.

14.  Head out letterboxing or Geocaching together.

15.  Have fun at a miniature golf course.

16.  Recreate your first date!

17.  Pile blankets onto the lawn and stargaze at night.

18.  Go bowling

19. Head out on a bike ride.

20.  Take a walk in the park and bring a picnic lunch

21.  Check out a local festival.

22.  Test your mettle in a corn maze

23.  Fly kites at the shore.

24. Head to the lake and go fishing (I like to bring a book to read while my husband fishes; we do talk periodically!)

25.  Play disc golf (even if you're both awful at it; it would be fun to laugh together).

26. Bring your quarters to the arcade!

27.  Find a go kart track and race one another to the finish line.

28.  Explore sea life at the aquarium.

29.  Work together to escape an escape room.

30.  Set up a couple's photo shoot.

31.  Take off in the car for a day's road trip.

32.  Battle it out with a Nerf gun or water balloon fight.

33.  Ride some rides at a Theme park.

34. Have a candlelit dinner at home.

35.  Tour a local botanical garden.

36.  Bring binoculars and look for birds at a local Audubon center.

37.  See some exotic animals at the zoo.

38.  Drive around with some hot cocoa and go looking for Christmas light displays.

39.  Go on an early morning breakfast date!

40.  Rent a moped or a tandem bike in a little tourist town and play tourist for the day.

41.  Go on a dinner cruise or take a ferry boat ride.

42.  Take a dinner train ride

43.  Buy a book of Mad Libs and take turns filling them out.

44.  Find a cozy spot to watch the fireworks together.

45.  Go on a double date with some friends.

46.  Try white water rafting together.

47.  Rent a hotel room: binge watch some shows, order room service, take a nap... the possibilities are endless.

48.  Build sandcastles at the beach.

49.  Make a list and get that Christmas shopping done together.

50.  Learn something new by taking a factory tour.

51.  Pick three restaurants (preferably within walking distance of each other)-- eat appetizers at the first, dinner at the second, and dessert at the third.

52.  Go swimming together.

Do you have any go to date ideas that you think I should add to my list? I'd love to hear about them so please leave me a comment!


  1. Great ideas! I'm planning to make date nights a priority this year, so this is really helpful!

    1. Oh good! I just found myself re-reading it this morning as we have our first official date of the year planned for tonight.

  2. I love your list. I was just telling my husband I wanted to try and squeeze in tiny dates once a week. Even if they are only 45 minutes long. As long as we are together, away from the children and laughing...I am good.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Yes, I find even just running errands alone together can be lots of fun.

  3. These are great! My husband and I just went out last night to play trivia at a bar. We are bad at it but it's so fun!

    1. We went to dinner and a movie last night... trivia sounds fun but we've never been in a bar before (neither one of us drinks so it would be a little weird). I rock at trivia... mostly... sometimes.. well, OK I totally depends on the questions.

    2. Great ideas! Now I just need to find a man! HA!! HA!!!


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